Anti- Parkinson's Drug Screening Service
Anti- Parkinson's Drug Screening Service

Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease in the elderly, characterized by the intracellular α-synuclein aggregation forming Lewy bodies, and the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantial nigra region of the brain. This results in motor symptoms such as resting tremor and muscle rigidity.

C. elegans offers unique advantages for PD research, including:

· Transparent body for easy operation and observation of dopamine neurons, neuronal integrity, axonal projections, and α-synuclein expression

· Clear neuronal position and synaptic connection mapping

· Human α-synuclein expression fused with fluorescent protein for visualization

Our Services

Our final results include but are not limited to:

ØDA Neuron Analysis


Figure 1. Fluorescence image of DA neurons

ØAnalysis of α-synuclein Accumulation



Figure 2 Fluorescence accumulation of α-synuclein

Related Services

Additional personalized services for other PD models are available upon request. Contact us to learn more.