Anti-obesity Drug Screening
Obesity has reached global epidemic level, with over 650 million individuals affected worldwide, including a rising prevalence among younger populations. This chronic disease is marked by excessive fat accumulation due to metabolic abnormalities, and may further lead to severe complications such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, sleep apnea and tumors.
C. elegans has emerged as an excellent model for studying lipid metabolism and evaluating fat-regulating compounds due to:
• Highly conserved lipid regulatory pathways with mammals
• More than 400 genes related to fat storage is highly conserved in mammals
• Shared core metabolic pathways, including neuropeptide, serotonin, and insulin signaling, as well as fatty acid synthesis, elongation, desaturation, and β-oxidation
Our Services
Our services in anti-obesity drug screening include but are not limited to:
1. Fat Semi-quantification (Oil Red O Staining)
Figure 1: Oil Red O stained fat of Caenorhabditis elegans
Figure 2: Statistical data of lipid accumulation in different treatments
2. Determination of Triglyceride Content in C. elegans
Figure 3: Triglyceride content in Caenorhabditis elegans (Gu Mingkun et al . 2022 )
3. Determination of Fatty Acid Composition in C. elegans
Figure 4 Fatty acid composition in Caenorhabditis elegans (Gu Mingkun et al . 2022)
Customized solutions are available upon request. Contact us to learn more.
Gu M, Werlinger P, Cho JH, Jang N, Choi SS, Suh JW, Cheng J. Lactobacillus pentosus MJM60383 Inhibits Lipid Accumulation in Caenorhabditis elegans Induced by Enterobacter cloacae and Glucose. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Dec 23 ;24 (1):280. doi : 10.3390/ijms24010280.