MosSCI is a method to insert single copy transgenes into genome of C. elegans. The method utilizes the Mos1 transposase to produce a double-strand break in genomic DNA, which is repaired using your target plasmid as a template. Although the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing system provides enhanced processing, MosSCI still remains a good approach for the single copy insertion of large transgenes without the influence of the original genes. 

MosSCI is usually used to insert exogenous or endogenous translation constructs (with epitope tags or fluorescent tags) into the C. elegans genome.

Due to the unstable nature of Mos editing, we have developed an integrated editing system that combines the Cas9 editing system to generate the strains. Make our editing results more efficient!

PIDServiceTurnaround(weeks)Price/ Strain
MosSCI (≤3000bp)*6-82100 USD

*Please contact us for quote if the edited sequence size is larger than the size in the price list.

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