
The 3rd Latin American Worm Meeting (LAWM)

2023-03-20 15:06


The Third Latin American Worm Meeting will hold in Valparaiso, Chile, known as the "Pearl of the Pacific", from March 15 to 19, 2023. This is the third edition following the two exciting and productive reunions in Uruguay (2017) and Argentina (2020).


The meeting aims at developing a strong new community of C. elegans researchers in local region, working together with global worm breeders. So, many scientists from Latin America, Europe and the USA come together in Valparaiso to present their newest research on C. elegans and develop academic collaborations. The meeting consists of plenary talks, topic specific sessions, poster presentations, and technical updates that highlight new methods being developed.


This time, Dr. Piali Sengupta (Brandeis University), will open the meeting as a keynote speaker, and the closing lecture will be given by Dr. David Gems (University College London). The conference will be organized by eight organizers including Andrea Cuentas-Condori (Yale University), Rosa Navarro (UNAM), Andrea Calixto (Valparaíso University), etc. Aside from the Latin American worm community, many international speakers will present as well. This meeting receives an overwhelming support from the international community again!


Following the 2.0nd Meeting of the Italian C.elegans Research Community, SunyBiotech will once again support the Third Latin American Worm Meeting with our enthusiasm for C. elegans scientific research. The meeting will offer SUNY the possibility to expand our visibility and connect with current and future customers. More importantly, we hope to support more researchers from all over the world to gather and communicate through this special sponsorship of the meeting, so that the scientific research of C. elegans can collide with different sparks!


For more information, please visit the meeting website:



  • C. elegans
  • SunyBiotech