
Global Longevity Federation (GLF 2023)

2023-05-26 10:14

Longevity is the science of anti-aging research and rejuvenation. It has experienced an unprecedented advance over recent years, particularly with the discovery that the rate of aging is controlled, at least to some extent, by genetic pathways and biochemical processes. What more important is, a growing number of researchers are turning their attention to the field of longevity, using the research model C.elegans.

In order to better understand the field and connect with the changing scientific world, SunyBiotech attended Global Longevity Federation (GLF 2023). It was held during May 15-16, 2023 in Dubai, UAE. Although we were not able to participate in person at Dubai, we joined virtually by zoom meeting in our office.

The GLF 2023 conference gathered the entire longevity ecosystem including longevity entrepreneurs, existing pharma and biotech companies, investors, researchers, and government organizations, and created a peer to peer learning environment focused on the business of longevity and the key areas of innovation needed to progress the longevity industry.

As a premier interdisciplinary forum, at the conference, researchers, practitioners and educators presented and discussed the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Aging and Geriatric Medicine. Ilia Stambler (Bar Ilan University, Israel), Robin Mansukhani (Deciduous Therapeutics, USA), Yu-Xuan Lu (Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, Germany), Todd Haim (NIH/National Institute on Aging, USA) etc. attended this conference.

By attending the conference, we have a deeper understanding towards longevity, which also leads us to appreciate how versatile the C. elegans platform could be. These miniscule worms indeed have the potential to that has yet to be discovered in the field of longevity, at length, serve life science, benefit human beings.

Click to see the keynote of GLF 2023:!AgYhT6qhevg9pTnjma1zwzSDkhSl?e=VtPAXe

Password: sunybiotech 

Ilia Stambler.png

Ilia Stambler (Bar Ilan University, Israel)


José Pedro Castro, i3s - Institute for Research and Innovation in Health, Portugal


  • longevity
  • GLF 2023