Turnkey C. elegans Solution
Turnkey C. elegans Solution

Turnkey C. elegans Solution

Transit your study from cell to mouse with C. elegans!

SunyBiotech is dedicated to providing turnkey C. elegans solution to benefit researchers who would like to use C. elegans as a supportive materials in study with accountable data.


You know well cells. You are familiar with mice. Why choose C. elegans?

 ✔  Thoroughly studied model: A completely sequenced genome shares extensive homology with that of human. Track record of relevance to 

     disease such as ageing, neurodegeneration diseases etc.

  Small size and transparent body: Easy to observe GFP-tagged targets under microscope.

  Short lifespan: Greatly shorten the experimental period. Test in natural ageing process rather than accelerated ageing.

  In- vivo and pre-clinical study: Genome editing is applicable in the organism with multiple cells.

✔  Cost-friendly: Mainly eat E. coli bacteria. Hermaphroditic. Cheap to breed and grow in large numbers.


How SunyBiotech can help?

1.   Lifespan assay: Ageing is a complex and heterogeneous process. Using natural models of ageing in whole organisms and large samples 

       serves as an ideal approach for your ageing and age-related disease study.

2.   Toxicity testing: C. elegans are also a well-characterized model for environmental toxicity testing, with good concordance to mammalian models.

3.   Compound treatment: Test the mechanism of action on C. elegans with your desired compounds.


 SunyBiotech offers you the the following C. elegans research service to meet your experimental purposes:

✔  Find homologous gene and conserved amino acids in C. elegans

✔  Gene mutation/ knock-out and rescue

✔  Analyze the phenotype after RNAi / over-expression

✔  Fluorescent protein tag and localization

✔  Different phenotype assays (with/without compounds treatment/condition changes)

        1)  Fecundity assays (to test the embryonic lethality, larval arrest ratio and brood size)

        2)  Body length measurements

        3)  Life span assays

SunyBiotechNematodes Brood size

Fig 1. Brood size of wild type (N2) C. elegans vs. Mutated (PHX1183) C. elegans

SunyBiotech Fertility rate of C. elegans

Fig 2. Fertility rate of C. elegans in different water samples

SunyBiotech Mortality rate of C. elegans in Compound X condition with different concentrations

Fig 3. Mortality rate of C. elegans in Compound X condition with different concentrations

If you got any other requirements we have not mentioned above, please contact us with your ideas and hypotheses, let’s evaluate the feasibility of your research together!

C. elegans related biological research

PIDServicesPrice / replicateTurnaroundMaterialsDeliverables
H001Food clearance assay800 USD2-4 weeksInformation of the tested strain,treatment
The strain/ chemical you want to test
Raw data of absorbance for all groups/A figure of dates with corresponding mean value of absorbance
H002Fecundity assay300 USD2-3 weeksInformation of the tested strain,treatment
The strain/ chemical you want to test
Raw data: the number of dead eggs, hatched worms, adult worms obtained in every assay/The ratio of embryonic lethality, larval arrest and brood size of each strain
H003Body length measurement300 USD3-4 weeksInformation of the tested strain,treatment
The strain/ chemical you want to test
Raw data of the worm body length of every worm. 
H004Pharyngeal pumping assay450 USD3-4 weeksInformation of the tested strain,treatment
The strain/ chemical you want to test
The raw data of the number of pharyngeal pumping/The statistic data of each strain/ treatment
H005Head thrashes assay350 USD3-4 weeksInformation of the tested strain,treatment
The strain/ chemical you want to test
The raw data of the number of head thrash/The statistic data of each strain/ treatment.
H006Body bending assay300 USD3-4 weeksInformation of the tested strain,treatment
The strain/ chemical you want to test
Raw data of the number of body bending of every worm. 
H007Lifespan assay300 USDDetermined by the life span of the specific strainInformation of the tested strain,treatment
The strain/ chemical you want to test
Lifespan curve of every strain/Raw data of every strain
H008Heat stress assay 200 USD3-4 weeksInformation of the tested strain,treatment
The strain/ chemical you want to test
Raw data and survival curve of every strain/treatment.
H009Oxidative stress assay 450 USD3-4 weeksInformation of the tested strain,treatment
The strain/ chemical you want to test
Survival curve/data of every strain
H010Pathogen infection assay 300 USD3-4 weeksInformation of the tested strain,treatment
The strain/Pathogen you want to test
Raw data of every strain. Survival/curve of every strain/ treatment.
H011Lipid accumulation assay300 USD3-4 weeksInformation of the tested strain,treatment
The strain/ chemical you want to test
The raw data of the photos of worms after oil red O/The statistic data of different treatments
H012Lipofuscin measurement assay300 USD3-4 weeksInformation of the tested strain,treatment
The strain/ chemical you want to test
The raw data of the photos of all worms/The statistic data of different treatments
H013ROS measurement assay300 USD3-4 weeksInformation of the tested strain,treatment
The strain/ chemical you want to test
The raw data of the ROS level of different treatments/The statistic data of different treatments
H014SOD activity assay350 USD3-4 weeksInformation of the tested strain,treatment
The strain/ chemical you want to test
The raw data of the SOD activities of different treatments/The statistic data of different treatments
H015CAT activity assay450 USD3-4 weeksInformation of the tested strain,treatment
The strain/ chemical you want to test
The raw data of the CAT activities of different treatments/The statistic data of different treatments
H016AD drug screen assay500 USD4-6 weeksInformation of the tested strain,treatment
The strain/ chemical you want to test
Raw data of every assay: the number of paralyzed and dead CL2006 / Paralysis incidence of every assay.
H017Multi-vulva assay600 USD3-4 weeksInformation of strain name, genotype, phenotype and culture conditionThe number of the Muv worms treated with different concentration drug.
H018α-Synuclein accumulation measurement400 USD3-4 weeksInformation of strain name, genotype, phenotype and culture conditionThe raw data of the photos of all worms.
The statistic data of different treatments.
H019DAergic neurons measurement400 USD3-4 weeksInformation of strain name, genotype, phenotype and culture conditionThe raw data of the photos of all worms.
The statistic data of different treatments.
H020UV stress assay300 USD4-5 weeksInformation of strain name, genotype, phenotype and culture conditionThe raw data: SUNY will provide the list of hours and corresponding numbers of dead worms for each strain tested or each drug treated.
Data analysis chart.

*The price depends on the phenotypes that the client wants to analyze. 

How to Order:

Send your research purpose or ideas to: