
Our engineered strains were cited in Journal of Cell Science

2019-07-04 10:03

In June 2019, Federico Pelisch and his research group of University of Dundee published the latest research results in Journal of Cell Science. This paper was entitled "Sumoylation regulates protein dynamics during meiotic chromosome segregation in C. elegans oocytes". Dr. Pelisch ordered 2 strains PHX366 ulp-1(syb366[degron::GFP::ulp-1]) and PHX894 ulp-1(syb366 syb894[degron::GFP::ulp-1ΔCD])III/hT2[bli-4(e937)let-?(q782)qIs48](I;III) from SunyBiotech to serve as supportive materials to the paper. Dr. Pelisch mentioned that these C. elegans provided an excellent model to study meiotic chromosome segregation, as meiosis can be tracked with high time and space resolution.


Oocyte meiotic spindles of most species lack centrosomes and the mechanisms that underlie faithful chromosome segregation in acentrosomal meiotic spindles are not well understood. In C. elegans oocytes, spindle microtubules exert a poleward force on chromosomes dependent on the microtubule-stabilising protein CLS-2CLASP. The kinase BUB-1Bub1 and CLS-2 localise in the central-spindle and display a dynamic localisation pattern throughout anaphase but the signals regulating their anaphase-specific localisation remains unknown. We have shown before that SUMO regulates BUB-1 localisation during metaphase I. Here, we found that SUMO modification of BUB-1 is regulated by the SUMO E3 ligase GEI-17 and the SUMO protease ULP-1. SUMO and GEI-17 are required for BUB-1 localisation between segregating chromosomes during early anaphase I. We also show that CLS-2 is subject to SUMO-mediated regulation: CLS-2 precociously localises in the midbivalent when either SUMO or GEI-17 are depleted. Overall, we provide evidence for a novel, SUMO-mediated control of protein dynamics during early anaphase I in oocytes.


Figure 1


SunyBiotech is specializing in providing precise genome edited C. elegans. All strains generated by SunyBiotech will be named under SUNY’s nomenclature. PHX and syb is the strain designation and allele designation, respectively. We will continue working hard to provide high-quality services with higher efficiency.

  • Science
  • engineered